The National Jewish Assembly (NJA) is bemused by Labour MP David Lammy’s Sky News interview on October 7, which laid bare the utterly convoluted and morally bankrupt nature of his limited arms embargo against Israel. Lammy’s remarks not only reveal a deep-seated misunderstanding of Israel’s security needs but also expose his willingness to engage in cynical political maneuvering that undermines our community’s safety and integrity.
Let us be clear: Lammy’s policy is nothing more than a thinly veiled ploy to attract extremist voters in the UK who wish to see Israel weakened and falter in its fight against Islamist terrorists. This tactic is not only disingenuous but also strategically disastrous, resulting in a policy that is morally ambiguous, pleases no one, wins no votes, and alienates our community.
Lammy’s limited arms embargo is a glaring example of political posturing without substance. By advocating for restrictions on Israel’s ability to defend itself, he simply leaves Israel vulnerable in its moment of need. This morally bankrupt position betrays the trust of Israel and the Jewish community.
“The interview was extremely revealing,” stated Gary Mond, Chairman of the NJA. “David Lammy’s policy is a tangled mess that serves no one. It appears that he is more interested in appeasing extremists than in supporting a key ally during its hour of need. This kind of morally bankrupt stance is unacceptable and highlights his disregard for the security and well-being of the Jewish community and Israel.”
The NJA remains steadfast in advocating for clear, decisive measures that ensure Israel can defend itself and maintain its sovereignty without the hindrance of ineffective and politically motivated embargoes.
“We demand that our leaders provide unequivocal support to Israel, rather than engaging in policies that weaken its position and embolden its adversaries,” added Mond. “David Lammy’s stance is not only ineffective but dangerously shortsighted. The NJA stands united in rejecting his morally flawed approach and will continue to champion robust advocacy for Israel’s right to security.”