The NJA currently has five small sub-committees, details of which are set out below, which report to its Advisory Board. All five committees are chaired by an Advisory Board member.
Their objective is to initiate campaigns in their respective areas of interest. At present each committee has between three and eight members, all of whom are paid up members of the NJA.
- Israel (headed by Garry Abrams with vice-chair Rupert Nathan). This committee focuses on advocating for the security and prosperity of Israel by challenging biased and distorted treatment and reporting in the UK, whilst proudly promoting the historical connection of Jewish people to the land of Israel, the legal rights of Jewish sovereignty to the land of Israel and the principles of Zionism.
- Jewish Life (headed by Rabbi David Neifeld). This committee focuses on the defence and promotion of Jewish life in the United Kingdom. It will advocate for continued freedom for Jewish practice and will lead on projects to enhance the opportunities available for members of the Jewish community to connect with their Jewish identity.
- Antisemitism in the Media, including in Social Media and Gaming (headed by Laurence Julius). This committee focuses on how the media drives antisemitism by providing a network to nurture a biased and distorting, and at times hate driven, narrative. It will cover mainstream media, social media and extreme gaming. It will look to complement existing channels, not looking to duplicate efforts, and will amplify key messages and focus on areas which are not covered.
- Fighting Radicalisation (headed by Jonny Taylor). This committee is building on the work done by MEEDU (Middle East Education) in seeking to identify extremist elements in schools, which are often regarded as a major purveyor of divisive and harmful narratives and which are alarmingly successful in penetrating society. It will seek to work with PREVENT and assist its programme, helping in the provision of successful counter narratives.
- Membership (headed by Karen Solomon). This committee focuses on building the NJA’s membership. It seeks to do so by maximising the publicity of what the NJA is doing in the community, with a view to persuading all those who share our support for our three key pillars of promoting Jewish life, supporting Israel and fighting antisemitism to join.
If you wish to join one of these committees, or alternatively believe that you would like to chair a new committee whose activities fall within the ambit of the three key pillars referred to above, please contact us at