There will be two types of meeting that members will be able to attend.
It is envisaged that we will hold approximately ten speaker meetings a year. They will take place on weekday evenings, last up to two hours and include two or three guest speakers. These meetings will be held initially via Zoom, but holding such events on a face-to-face basis will also be considered. The speakers will be prominent politicians or personalities from Israel, leading figures from British politics where the subject matter to be discussed has a Jewish focus and important leaders from the Jewish community in this country (such as heads of political Jewish organisations and charities). The speakers will be questioned initially by our CEO and then the audience will be able to ask questions – and follow up with replies to maximise interest!
We plan to hold five or six assembly meetings a year via Zoom. These will take place on Sunday mornings and last up to two and a half hours. The subject matter of these assembly meetings, which all members can attend, will be our three key objectives of fighting antisemitism, supporting Israel and celebrating Jewish life and tradition. Members will be able to make speeches and / or ask questions, which will be responded to by the CEO and on occasions by members of the Advisory Board. Contributions will be welcomed from those present and the Advisory Board will then be able to consider what action can be taken in support of the speakers’ requests. The policies of the National Jewish Assembly will be made by the debate and passage of motions at Assembly Meetings.
In addition to the above, the National Jewish Assembly will be organising at least one social event a year with a high profile guest speaker.